DELETED/ALTERNATE SCENES with optional Michael Davis subtitled commentary ((7:55) Chewing Gum (:20), Blood Trail (:56), Hertz Phones Wife (:38), “Hickies In Worse Places” (:35), Name That Baby (:26), Crib Machine Gunning (:20), Wall Escape (1:09), Longer Torture Scene (2:13), Longer Epilogue Set Up (1:17)), 3 COMMENTARIES (1: Michael Davis (subtitled); 2: Michael Davis (optional with Deleted/Alternate scenes (subtitled)); 3: Michael Davis (optional with Animatics (subtitled))), ‘BALLET OF BULLETS – MAKING SHOOT ‘EM UP’ ((52:43) Lock and Load (5:38), Armed and Dangerous (8:55), Itchy Trigger Finger (5:35), Safety’s Off (8:36), Muzzle Flash (23:59)), ANIMATICS with optional Michael Davis subtitled running commentary and Final Filmed Version option ((22:23) Introduction (1:41), Animatic Trailer (:50), Title Ideas (1:01), Carrot Kill (:36), Opening Shootout (2:25), Oil Slide (:34), Rooftop Shootout (:30), Deleted Wall Escape (:59), Carousel Scene (1:10), Sex Shootout (:37), Loft Escape (2:52), Road Shootout (3:16), Warehouse (2:27), Freefall Gunfight (2:29), Final Escape (:25), Epilogue (:32), Blood Experiment (:22)) TRAILERS (Addictive TV Remix Trailer, Theatrical Trailer, Red Band Trailer), FUTURE RELEASES (Death Sentence; Mr. Woodcock; Run, Fat Boy, Run; Rendition). |