James Garner | Jim Rockford | |
James Luisi | Lt. Doug Chapman | |
Stuart Margolin | Evelyn Martin | |
Joe Santos | Det. Dennis Becker | |
Noah Beery Jr. | Joseph Rockford | |
Gretchen Corbett | Beth Davenport | |
William Smith | Jerry Grimes | |
Nita Talbot | Mildred Elias | |
Lindsay Wagner | Sara Butler | |
Tom Atkins | Lt. Alex Diehl | |
Robert Donley | Joseph Rockford | |
Michael Lerner | Coroner Ruben Seelman | |
Bill Mumy | Nick Butler | |
Pat Renella | Morrie Talbot |
Regisseur |
Produzent | Stephen J. Cannell
Meta Rosenberg |
Autor | Stephen J. Cannell
Roy Huggins |
Komponist | Pete Carpenter
Kurzbeschreibung "Hier ist Jim Rockford. Bitte nennen Sie Ihren Namen, Ihre Nummer, ich rufe zurück." Wenn diese Ansage aus dem Anrufbeantworter erkling, dann ist einer der unkonventionellsten und coolsten Detektive der TV-Geschichte unterwegs auf Verbrecherjagd... oder beim Angeln. Seit seiner Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis in dem er fünf Jahre unschuldig einsaß, wohnt er in einem Wohnwagen am Strand von Malibu und würde am liebsten nur noch seinem Hobby nachgehen. Um seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen, muss die geborene Spürnase als Privatdetektiv arbeiten. Für 200 Dollar plus Spesen nimmt er auch die ungewöhnlichsten Fälle an, die ihn immer wieder in haarsträubenden Situationen bringen. Doch wenn ihn das Knastleben eines gelehrt hat, dann ist es zu überlegeben... Episoden: Disc 1: 01 Schatzsuche mit Hindernissen 02 Der große Aktienschwindel - Teil 1 03 Der große Aktienschwindel - Teil 2 04 Der Unfall des Senators Disc 2: 05 Taschenspielertricks 06 Ein Auftrag aus dem Knast 07 Liebe - Drogen - Tod 08 Rätsel um Jennifer Disc 3: 09 Die Lady am Strand 10 Die Polizei, dein Freund und Feind 11 Tod durch Unfall 12 Verhängnisvoller Vertrag VideoMarkt Jim Rockford lebt in einem Wohnwagen und arbeitet als Privatdetektiv. Da er selber unschuldig wegen Bankraubs im Gefängnis war, kümmert er sich mit Vorliebe um Fälle, bei denen der wahre Täter immer noch frei herumläuft. Dass dabei auch mal sein Honorar auf der Strecke bleibt, nimmt er in Kauf. Dank vieler falscher Visitenkarten schlüpft er bei seinen Ermittlungen in die unterschiedlichsten Rollen. Unterstützung bekommt Rockford meistens von seinem Vater und Bekannten aus seiner Gefängniszeit, die oft den ein oder anderen nützlichen Tipp parat haben. |
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 13.09.1974 1. The Kirkoff Case | |||
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A wealthy but dislikable young man hires Jim to solve the mystery of the death of his parents - the crime for which he stands accused.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 20.09.1974 2. The Dark and Bloody Ground | |||
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Jim is hired by Beth Davenport to help clear her female client accused of murdering her husband.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 27.09.1974 3. The Countess | |||
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Jim is helping a Countess avoid a blackmailer but is then charged for the Blackmailer murder...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 04.10.1974 4. Exit Prentiss Carr | |||
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Jim finds the murdered body of Prentiss Carr in his hotel room and after reporting the incident to the police learns it has been classified as suicide...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 11.10.1974 5. Tall Woman in Red Wagon | |||
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Jim helps a journalist trace the whereabouts of her friend and has to adopt a series of covers in order to obtain the information, as well as contend with a mobsters goons and a Treasury Agent...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 18.10.1974 6. This Case Is Closed (1) | |||
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Whilse investigating the fiance of Warren Jamison's daughter, Jim experiences some strange events which include kidnapping by the mob and the FBI who are anxious to get a statement - it all relates back to Jim recent trip to Newark...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 18.10.1974 7. This Case Is Closed (2) | |||
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Jim is ordered off the case but this proves difficult after the fiance Jim was investigating is found dead and the mob and the FBI still want answers, so JIm must track the real killer...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 25.10.1974 8. The Big Ripoff | |||
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A life insurance investigation becomes more complicated than first appeared when Jim belives the insuree is still alive...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 01.11.1974 9. Find Me If You Can | |||
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Jim is mysterious hired by a woman who asks him to ""find her"", and ends up embroiled with a Denver Gangster...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 08.11.1974 10. In Pursuit of Carol Thorne | |||
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Jim follows a woman, a recent parolee, believing she will lead him to his client's son, little knowing that he is pawn in recovering stolen loot...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 15.11.1974 11. The Dexter Crisis | |||
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Jim is hired by Dexter, a wealthy businessman who believes his mistress has taken a suitcase of important 'documents' belonging to him...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 06.12.1974 12. Caledonia - It's Worth a Fortune! | |||
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Hired by Jolene Hyland, Jim helps her try and locate a fortune buried somewhere in Caledonia by her terminally ill husband Gerry, whose former partner Leonard wants a peice of the action...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 20.12.1974 13. Profit and Loss (1) | |||
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PART 1 - PROFIT Jim is mystified after he is charged for filed a false police report when e witnesses the kidnapp of a Computer Programmer from his Trailer...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 27.12.1974 14. Profit and Loss (2) | |||
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PART 2 - LOSS After being charged with filing a false police report, Jim and Rocky continue to investigate Fiscal Dynamics Incorporated...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 03.01.1975 15. Aura Lee, Farewell | |||
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Sara Bulter hires Jim again to investigate the death of her friend Aura Lee Benton who died of a drug overdose despite her not being a drug user...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 17.01.1975 16. Sleight of Hand | |||
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Jim is confused when his girlfriend diappears after they return from a trip and her young daughter is convinced her mother never came home with them...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 24.01.1975 17. Counter Gambit | |||
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Jim hired by a former prison mate to recover a pearl necklace stolen by his girlfriend, and after locating it, Jim is charged with stealing it and so must ask the victim and his old friend Angel to help him out...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 31.01.1975 18. Claire | |||
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Jim has some trouble with a gangsters and an ill-tempered Police Captain. when he helps his old girlfriend Claire....
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 07.02.1975 19. Say Goodbye to Jennifer | |||
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HIred by Mitch, a photographer friend, Jim must travel to Seattle find a missing model who stands accused of shooting a gang member...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 14.02.1975 20. Charlie Harris at Large | |||
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Jim's old cellmate Charlie is accused of murdering his wife, but Jim must find Charlie's alibi - a mystery woman who he met on the beach....
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 21.02.1975 21. The Four Pound Brick | |||
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Jim invesitgates the death of a Rookie Police Officer on behalf the mother, a good friend of Rocky's...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 28.02.1975 22. Just by Accident | |||
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Jim invesitgates the death of a man on behlaf of his mother, an old friend, but stumbles into a insurance scam...
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 07.03.1975 23. Roundabout | |||
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Jim is hired to pass on the inheritance to a young woman in Las Vegas, who acts very strangly and appears not to really want the money...