Jan-Michael Vincent | Stringfellow Hawke | |
Ernest Borgnine | Dominic Santini | |
Alex Cord | Michael Archangel | |
Jean Bruce Scott | Caitlin O'Shaughnessy |
Regisseur |
Produzent | Donald P. Bellisario
Robert Janes |
Autor | Burton Armus
Donald P. Bellisario |
Kamera/Fotographie |
Seymour Hoffberg
Stan Lazan |
Komponist |
Sylvester Levay
Kurzbeschreibung Airwolf ist der Name des schnellsten und bestbewaffneten Kampfhelikopters der Welt. Gesteuert vom draufgängerischen Piloten-Ass Huckleberry Hawke und seinem treuen Freund Dominic Santini kommt die unbezwingbare Superwaffe im Kampf gegen feindliche Spione und andere Kriminelle global zum Einsatz. Episoden: Disc 1: 01 + 02 "Airwolf" (Pilot) Die CIA hat einen Hightech-Kampfhubschrauber bauen lassen: "Airwolf". Doch einer der Konstrukteure stiehlt die Wunderwaffe und setzt sich damit ins Ausland ab. Der CIA-Abteilungsleiter Archangel bittet das Fliegerass Huckleberry Hawke, den "Airwolf" zurückzuholen. Gemeinsam mit Dominic Santini macht sich Hawke ans Werk. Er stellt jedoch eine Bedingung: Die CIA soll helfen, seinen im Vietnamkrieg vermissten Bruder ausfindig zu machen... 03 "Ropers Plan" Hawke bekommt von Archangel den Auftrag, such undercover bei der Air Force einzuschleichen. Die CIA befürchtet, dass ein Pilot ein Hightech-Flugzeug an die Russen übergeben will. Als Hawke den Übeltäter jedoch ausfindig macht, stellt er fest, dass es sich bei dem Verräter um einen alten Bekannten handelt... 04 "Mit Speck fängt man Mäuse" Dominic soll einen Hubschrauber nach Mexiko überführen. Eigentlich ein Routineflug, aber ein Problem zwingt ihn zur Notlandung. War es Sabotage? Natürlich macht sich der "Airwolf" auf den Weg, um ihn zu helfen... Disc 2: 05 "Im Dunkel der Nacht" Hawke und Dominic steht ein heikle Mission bevor: Sie sollen einen Agenten und dessen Familie aus Russland herausholen, dessen Tarnung aufzufliegen droht. Um so viele Passagiere zu befördern, müssen die beiden allerdings auf die Bewaffnung des "Airwolf" verzichten... 06 "Der große Bluff" Hawke und Dominic sollen mit dem Hubschrauber einen waghalsigen Stunt für einen Film fliegen. Doch die Sache kommt ihnen merkwürdig vor. Archangel überprüft die Hintergründe und entdeckt, dass die Dreharbeiten nur Tarnung für einen Überfall sein sollen... 07 "Der falsche Bruder" Bei einem Routineflug verliert Hawke das Bewusstsein und stürzt ab. Als er wieder erwacht, erfährt er, dass er lange im Koma gelegen hat. Dominic und Archangel sollen bei dem Versuch, seinen Bruder zu retten, ums Leben gekommen sein. Der Bruder hingegen sei wohlauf. Doch irgendwas an der Geschichte ist faul... 08 "Von der Vergangenheit eingeholt" Sarah bittet das "Airwolf"-Team um Hilfe: Ihr Vater ist von dem Waffenhändler Helmut Kruger ermordet worden. Der Verbrecher ist in brisante Waffenprojekte verwickelt und hat sich in Paraguay verschanzt. Archangel ist jedoch gegen den Einsatz. Kann Sarah trotzdem auf die Hilfe der "Airwolf"-Crew zählen....? Disc 3: 09 "Wer zahlt schon doppeltes Lösegeld" Dominic lässt sich darauf ein, zwei Millionen Dollar Lösegeld an einen kubanischen Colonel zu überbringen, damit dieser politische Gefangene freilässt. Doch die Übergabe läuft schief und das Geld wird gestohlen. Jetzt kann nur noch Hawke seinem Freund helfen... 10 "Der Zweikampf" Die "Airwolf"-Crew erhält den Auftrag, den Präsidenten eines kleinen afrikanischen Landes zu beschützen und einen Putsch zu verhindern. Hawke trifft vor Ort einen ehemaligen Kameraden aus Vietnam, der möglicherweise Informationen über den Verbleib seines Bruders hat. Aber er zeigt sich nicht gerade kooperativ... 11 "Eine Kopie von Airwolf" Hawke erklärt sich bereit, beim Test eines "Airwolf"-Simulators zu helfen, der von Robert Winchester entwickelt wurde. Dieser war auch an der Entstehung des echten "Airwolf" beteiligt. Doch welche Rolle spielt seine undurchsichtige Assistentin, die sehr am "Airwolf" interessiert zu sein scheint...? 12 "Dem Wolf eine Falle stellen" Archangel warnt Hawke und Dominic vor dem Regierungsagenten Bogard, der mit einem neuen Aufklärungssatelliten den Standort des "Airwolfs" herausfinden will. Hawke macht sich sofort auf die Suche nach einem neuen Geheimversteck für "die Lady"... Movieman.de Die legendäre 80er-Jahre-Serie hat nicht nur unter Hubschraubermaniacs Freunde gefunden. |
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 22.01.1984 1. Shadow of the Hawke (1) | ||
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While demonstrating the capabilities of the new prototype supercopter codenamed 'Airwolf', Dr. Charles Moffet goes rogue, steals the chopper and kills almost all of the observers. At least one man -- Michael Coldsmith Briggs III survives. Briggs, codenamed 'Archangel' is the head of a covert organization called 'The Firm' and Archangel calls upon the one man in the world he knows that can retrieve the copter. The problem is Stringfellow Hawke is not only a loner, but a recluse as well. The amount of money the Firm is willing to pay for Airwolf's recovery is irrelevant. Hawke wants just one thing - the safe return of his brother, Saint John, who was captured during the Vietnam war and is evidently a POW.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 22.01.1984 2. Shadow of the Hawke (2) | ||
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Hawke and his pal Santini head to Libya to recover Airwolf from it's diabolical creator, but Dr. Moffet turns up the heat by destroying a U.S. Navy warship. When Hawke's girlfriend Gabrielle goes undercover to discover Moffet's nefarious plans, she is captured and tortured and left to die in the desert. It's up to Hawke to recover the chopper, stop Moffet and save the girl, but will he do it all in time?
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 28.01.1984 3. Daddy's Gone a Hunt'n | ||
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Hawke and Dom must stop a suspected traitor from turning an advanced military fighter over to the Russians in exchange for his son who was born in Vietnam. Things get complicated, though, when Hawke realizes that he was also involved with the boy's mother during roughly the same era as the child's birth.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 04.02.1984 4. Bite of the Jackal | ||
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An ambitious executive at the Firm makes a subversive play for Archangel's job. A bomb is planted aboard a vintage helicopter owned by Dominic Santini and he's forced to crash land. When Hawke and Archangel go hunting for Dom, Airwolf is ambushed and shot down. The two must convince a group of locals to help them repair their damaged tail rotor. Complicating matters on Dom's end, he must contend with a stowaway aboard his chopper -- a young girl searching for her dad.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 01.02.1984 5. Proof Through the Night | ||
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A Russian mole discovers that scientists in the U.S.S.R. have developed a lethal serum that instantly kills anyone exposed to it. He steals a vial of the serum and contacts his friend Archangel for help in escaping the country with his family. Archangel dispatches Hawke and Santini for the rescue effort, but Airwolf can't handle that much passenger weight -- unless all her armaments are stripped leaving the supercopter defenseless.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 18.02.1984 6. One Way Express | ||
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A movie producer hires Santini Air for a dangerous stunt involving the landing of a helicopter onto the roof of a moving semi. Dom and String nearly come to blows, however, when String tries to convince Dom that his reaction time might not be up to snuff for this particular action sequence. Things get even more dicey when it appears that the production might just be an elaborate cover for a high-stakes gold heist.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 03.03.1984 7. Echos from the Past | ||
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Hawke meets a mercenary who claims to have information regarding his missing brother. When they part company, Hawke loses consciousness in his helicopter and crashes. When he comes to, he finds himself in a hospital. The medical staff inform him that he has been in a coma for the better part of a year. His friends, Archangel and Dom, were killed on a POW camp raid, but in the process, their heroism helped rescue Hawke's brother Saint John. Believing that his "mission" is over, Hawke reveals the location of Airwolf to his captors, then discovers that it has all been an elaborate ruse and he has inadvertantly turned over the super copter to a group of foreign conspirators.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 10.03.1984 8. Fight Like a Dove | ||
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An Israeli war crimes hunter is killed by a suspected Nazi named Hans Daubert in France. His daughter vows revenge and seeks the help of String and Dom, along with Airwolf, to bring him to justice. Complicating matters is Archangel's involvement with Daubert who is a known arms dealer selling to the powers that he chooses to in order to influence political outcomes in the world -- and Archangel is his supplier!
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 24.03.1984 9. Mad Over Miami | ||
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Santini makes an unauthorized flight to Cuba in order to rescue two political prisoners who are being ransomed for $2 million. However, while there, the exchange site is attacked and the ransom money is stolen. While flying back to the mainland, Santini is forced to crash land back on Cuba and Hawke must brave a hurricane in Airwolf to rescue his friend. When String and Dom are reunited, the pair must negotiate with a band of freedom fighters who raised the capital to ransom their compadres and are not convinced of Santini's innocence in the theft of the funds. To make matters more interesting, Archangel is supplying weapons to a paramilitary band that just may have had a hand in stealing the ransom money.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 31.03.1984 10. And They Are Us | ||
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North and South Limbawe are in conflict over oil and a despotic General plans to overthrow his own government in South Limbawe and attacks his neighbors to the North. String and Dom are sent by Archangel to aid North Limbawe and it's leader, Seku Logana, but Logana has his own prejudices about receiving aid for his cause. Also in the mix is an old Vietnam buddy of Hawke's, Marty Vidor, who is working as a mercenary for South Limbawe, and Hawke is hesitant to take him on since Vidor just may know the location of the missing Saint John.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 07.04.1984 11. Mind of the Machine | ||
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Dr. Robert Winchester is a brilliant researcher and a former test pilot who helped design Airwolf. Now, he's asking for Hawke's help in test flying a simulator that he's designed to enable the Firm to train future test pilots to fly Airwolf. Reluctantly, Hawke agrees, but determines that the simulator's "feel" is a little off. Archangel convinces Hawke to let Winchester hook up the real Airwolf to his computers in order to get a more realistic demonstration. This allows Winchester to engage in a little friendly flying competition with Hawke but it also allows the Russians to nearly get their hands on the high tech super copter.
Seen it: Yes 60 Min. 14.04.1984 12. To Snare a Wolf | ||
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Archangel warns String about a zealous government bureaucrat named D.G. Bogard who will stop at nothing until he finds Airwolf. Dom and Hawke take time out from shooting a military training film to hide Airwolf in a different location before it can be discovered, but Bogard catches on to their ruse and tracks Hawke back to the new hideaway. To complicate things, an eager pilot tails Dom and Hawke in an effort to convince Santini that she deserves a job working for his company.