Barbara Eden | Jeannie/Jeannie II (139 episodes, 1965-1970) | |
Larry Hagman | Anthony Nelson | |
Barbara Eden | Jeannie | |
Larry Hagman | Major Anthony Nelson (139 episodes, 1965-1970) | |
Bill Daily | Major Roger Healey | |
Bill Daily | Major Roger Healey (130 episodes, 1965-1970) | |
Hayden Rorke | Dr. Alfred Bellows | |
Hayden Rorke | Dr. Alfred Bellows (128 episodes, 1965-1970) | |
Barton MacLane | General Peterson (35 episodes, 1965-1969) | |
Emmaline Henry | Amanda Bellows (39 episodes, 1966-1970) | |
Vinton Hayworth | Gen. Winfield Schaeffer (16 episodes, 1968-1970) | |
Barton MacLane | General Peterson | |
Emmaline Henry | Amanda Bellows | |
Vinton Haworth |
Regisseur |
Produzent | Herb Wallerstein
Sidney Sheldon |
Kamera/Fotographie | Robert Tobey
Lothrop B. Worth |
Komponist | Buddy Kaye
Hugo Montenegro |
Kurzbeschreibung Bezaubernde Jeannie - Die komplette Season Five - 4 DVDs Erleben Sie, wie Jeannie (Barbara Eden) und ihr Meister Tony (Larry Hagman) sich in der letzten Staffel der Serie in einer der unvergesslichsten Hochzeitszeremonien der Fernsehgeschichte endlich das Jawort geben. Dieses Mal wird Jeannie zur Königin ihres eigenen Landes gekrönt, Dr. Bellows und seine Frau lernen Jeannie als Major Nelsons Verlobte kennen, und Tonys Haus wird „ganz modern“ eingerichtet! Ein letztes Mal taucht Jeannies böse Stiefschwester auf, um die Ehe ihrer Schwester zu zerstören, während Dr. Bellows Neffe Jeannies Geheimnis lüftet und Tony unfreiwillig zum Werbeträger für ein Chiligericht in Dosen wird. Und Dr. Bellows sieht mit eigenen Augen, dass Major Nelson ein Astronaut mit einem echten Dschinn ist. Bezaubernde Jeannie - Die komplette Season Four - 4 DVDs Freuen Sie sich auf die unterhaltsame vierte Staffel des Serienklassikers Bezaubernde Jeannie. Erleben Sie, wie Jeannie (Barbara Eden) und ihr geliebter Meister Major Tony Nelson (Larry Hagman) sich in einige der amüsantesten Situationen der Serie manövrieren. In dieser Staffel kehrt Jeannies magischer unsichtbarer Hund nach über tausend Jahren zurück, um die NASA auf den Kopf zu stellen. Später wird er allerdings in eine Porzellanstatue verwandelt und für eine wertvolle Antiquität aus der Ming-Dynastie gehalten. In einer zweiteiligen Folge wird Tony durch einen Doppelgänger ersetzt, der sich ohne sein Wissen mit Jeannie verlobt. Jeannies böse Zwillingsschwester taucht ebenfalls wieder auf und startet einen erneuten Versuch, Major Nelson zu verführen – dieses Mal allerdings in einem Nachtclub! Die Produzenten einer Fernsehshow wollen Jeannie für einen besonderen Gastauftritt als Prinzessin Armina engagieren, und Dr. Bellows wird durch einen jüngeren und deutlich hartnäckigeren Psychiater ersetzt, der fest entschlossen ist, Major Nelsons Geheimnisse zu ergründen. Bezaubernde Jeannie - Die komplette Season Three - 4 DVDs Endlich ist die dritte magische Staffel von "BEZAUBERNDE JEANNIE" da! Erleben Sie, wie Jeannie (Barbara Eden) weiterhin versucht, sich in die "normale" Welt einzufügen und endlich das Herz ihres Meisters Tony (Larry Hagman) zu erobern. In dieser Staffel verwandelt Jeannie einen Schimpansen in einen Menschen, überträgt Tony einen Tag lang ihre Zauberkräfte, erfüllt seinem Kumpel Roger einen Geburtstagswunsch, soll einen jungen Flaschengeist ausbilden und verliert ihr Gedächtnis nach einem Schlag auf den Kopf bei einem Besuch auf Tonys Arbeit. Die größte Überraschung ist jedoch ihre böse und eifersüchtige Schwester Jeannie 2, die in dieser Serie zum ersten Mal auftritt. Ebenfalls zu sehen ist die legendäre vierteilige Folge "Jeannie und die Mondsafeknacker", in der Jeannie in einen NASA-Safe auf dem Weg zum Mond eingesperrt wird und Tony und Roger zu ihrer Rettung eilen müssen. Bezaubernde Jeannie - Die komplette Season Two - 4 DVDs Freuen Sie sich auf die magische zweite Staffel mit der bezaubernden Jeannie (Barbara Eden) und ihrem Meister, dem Astronauten Captain Anthony "Tony" Nelson (Larry Hagman). Der Spaß geht weiter in 31 phantastischen Folgen, in denen jeder Tag neue Abenteuer bringt. Von einem Klimawechsel über die Suche nach ihrem Geburtsdatum und dem Kampf gegen den Blauen Dschinn gibt es nichts, was Jeannie nicht tun würde, um das Herz ihres Meisters zu erobern und zu beweisen, dass die beiden ein zauberhaftes Paar abgeben! Erleben Sie in diesem beliebten TV-Klassiker eine Riege illustrer Gaststars, darunter Paul Lynde, Sammy Davis Jr., Dabney Coleman und viele mehr. Eine weitere unwiderstehliche Staffel mit dem beliebtesten Flaschengeist aller Zeiten. Bezaubernde Jeannie - Die komplette Season One - 4 DVDs Mit einem Blinzeln und einem Kopfnicken gelingt es Barbara Eden in der ersten Staffel von "BEZAUBERNDE JEANNIE", alle Wünsche Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Zum ersten Mal auf DVD erhältlich, zeigt diese aus vier DVDs bestehende Sammlung alle 30 Folgen und stellt Captain Anthony "Tony" Nelson alias Larry Hagman vor, einen Astronauten, der unwissentlich einen schönen und überaus einfallsreichen weiblichen Flaschengeist (Barbara Eden) aus seiner Flasche befreit und so zu seinem "Meister" wird. Gemeinsam geben er und Jeannie ein bezauberndes Paar ab. VideoMarkt Der ahnungslose Astronaut Tony Nelson befreit aus Versehen Jeannie, einen Falschengeist, aus ihrem Gefängnis. Von nun an versucht sie, ihm jeden Wunsch von den Augen abzulesen, und diesen umgehend mit einem Blinzeln in die Wirklichkeit umzusetzen. Leider sind seit ihrer letzten Freiheit viele, viele Jahre vergangen, und daher sorgen ihre Bemühungen immer wieder für Missverständnisse und chaotische Zustände, die Tony nur mit Mühe wieder geradebiegen kann. |
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 12.09.1966 1. Happy Anniversary | ||
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In the first color episode, we learn Tony and Jeannie have been together one year but are no closer to marriage. Jeannie causes Tony's latest space mission to crash-land on the same island of their first meeting. Tony comes upon -- guess what -- another genie bottle, but this time, it doesn't have a beautiful woman inside. Uh-uh, it has the evil Blue Djinn, the same monster who imprisioned Jeannie in her bottle 2,000 years earlier. Tony and Jeannie try several methods to defeat the Blue Djinn. At one point, Tony turns on the television and uses images of violence (from TV newscasts) to frighten Djinn into defeat, but that plan falters when unexpected visitor Roger blabs. After Tony and Jeannie finally defeat Djinn (by luring him into a vacuum cleaner and throwing it to the bottom of the ocean), the two enjoy a peaceful anniversary dinner ... on the same island where they met one year earlier.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 19.09.1966 2. Always on Sunday | ||
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Jeannie thinks that Tony has been working too hard and decides to give him (and the world) a break by making every day sunday.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 26.09.1966 3. My Master, the Rich Tycoon | ||
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One morning while Tony is shaving there comes a knock at his door,and Jeannie hearing it answers dressed in ordinary clothes.A man enters identifying himself,as Harry Huggins.He's there to see Tony,of course,and Jeannie tell's him that she is Major Nelsons Housekeeping(he thought that she was his wife,but she is hopeful).Looking at Tony's furnitures he critices it as no taste,but Jeannie shows him some valuable items by blinking in Ming Vase,A Michaelangelo Statue,A Safe full of Money etc.She even blinks in various servants.By the time Tony comes out from the Bedroom,Jeannie has managed to convince Mr Huggins that Tony has indeed taste.However,Mr Huggins introduces himself as from The Internal Revenue service.Now Tony has some explaining to do
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 03.10.1966 4. My Master, the Rainmaker | ||
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When Jeannie and Tony decide to go on a picnic, it starts to heavily rain ruining their plan. Jeannie then blinks and makes it sunny again. Tony is then amazed that Jeannie can control the weather so he inadvertedly wishes it could snow. When Jeannie makes it snow Dr. Bellows arrives rousing his suspicion and now quite a few people on the base think Tony can control the weather.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 10.10.1966 5. My Wild-Eyed Master | ||
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Tony had just recently failed an eye test that determines whether he goes up into orbit or not and when he goes to take it again the next day, Jeannie finds out about this and tries to help him by giving him better perfect eyes. Things go afoul though when she cant master this spell thereby giving Tony x-ray vision at first and then causing him to see very blurrily.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 17.10.1966 6. What's New, Poodle Dog? | ||
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Roger sets Tony with a girl which Jeannie is not pleased to hear. She blinks Roger into a poodle so that he could not tell Tony about the date which was scheduled to be that night. Roger gets captured and taken to a dog pound. Tony finds out what Jeannie had done, goes to the dog pound, and buys a Great Dane thinking that its Roger. He goes back to the dog pound when he found out that he had gotten the wrong dog and sees Roger who has already been purchased by a little boy. Tony pays the boy's father $400 for Roger and Jeannie turns him back to a human. In the end, Tony and Roger go on their dates but not before Jeannie turns the two girls into dogs.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 24.10.1966 7. Fastest Gun in the East | ||
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Jeannie blinks Tony back in the past as marshal of Gopher Gulch, a town plagued by rustlers, when he wishes that he had lived in the Old West.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 31.10.1966 8. How to Be a Genie in 10 Easy Lessons | ||
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A well-meaning Jeannie has tried her best to please Tony, but her magic continues to cause problems. Tony comes to wit's end at how to deal with her. Roger suggests that Tony have Jeannie study ""Tales of Arabian Nights,"" claiming it will teach her how to properly use her gifts. Without any hesitation and despite Jeannie's objections, Tony tells her to study the book. And just why does Jeannie object? Because ""Tales of Arabian Nights"" is a book on how to torture mean masters through foul means (e.g., Tony's mattress is turned into a bed of spikes; Tony's wrists are tied high above a croccodile pit). Eventually, Tony catches on and together with Jeannie, plot some revenge against Roger ... by sending him briefly to Siberia!
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 07.11.1966 9. Who Needs a Green-Eyed Genie? | ||
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Jeannie catches Tony as he is about to meet old friend ""Charlie Suzy"". Jeannie suspecting that he might be going to see another woman locks him up all night in a cage. The next morning someone calling himself ""Charlie Suzy"" calls and an embarrassed Jeannie begs Tony for forgiveness. He goes out later that night to meet an old girlfriend named Joan, who happens to be married to a mobster, who just happens to have escaped prison and is now after his wife Joan to kill her.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 14.11.1966 10. The Girl Who Never Had a Birthday (1) | ||
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Because she is unhappy that she doesn't know her own birthday, Jeannie starts to fade away. Tony promises her that he would find out and with Roger, uses the computer at NASA called Eric. It is Roger who is actually the first to know when Jeannie was born and before he has a chance to tell Tony the date, Dr. Bellows sends him to Alaska.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 21.11.1966 11. The Girl Who Never Had a Birthday (2) | ||
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In continuation of the first part, Tony still attempts to get Jeannie's birth date from Roger stationed in Alaska before Jeannie disappears forever.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 28.11.1966 12. How Do You Beat Superman? | ||
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Tony takes caddish counter measures when Jeannie conjures up a millionaire suitor to spite her inattentive master. Jeannie feels that Tony is not paying enough attention to her because he is too preoccupied with football. She blinks an imaginary man named Tony Millionaire to make Tony jealous. Jeannie's plan works and Tony is even more displeased when Jeannie and her new man announce that they are engaged. In the end, however, Tony finds out the truth and Jeannie does not walk the aisle.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 05.12.1966 13. My Master, the Great Caruso | ||
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General Peterson hears about Tony's great voice and enters him in a talent show. The voice is actually Enrico Caruso's given to him by Jeannie. Tony had made her take it back, but he has to go through the talent show without his Caruso voice because he had made Jeannie promise not to give it to him. While he tries to sing, Roger saves Tony by reminding Jeannie that she can give Tony any other voice except Caruso's.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 12.12.1966 14. The Greatest Lover in the World | ||
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Feeling sorry for Roger because no woman will go on a date with him,Jeannie arranges for every woman to fall instantly in love with him,at first sight,including his secretary,who happens to be a mobsters girlfriend,and Mrs.Bellows.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 19.12.1966 15. Jeannie Breaks the Bank | ||
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Tony draws the authority's attention when Jeannie puts three milliion dollars into his bank account because he is a low-paid astronaut.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 26.12.1966 16. My Master, the Author | ||
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Jeannie wishes to write a book about child care. After getting Tony's permission, she writes one, sends it to a publisher, and the book becomes a best seller. However, Jeannie had put Tony's name as the author which was a big mistake because Tony could be kicked out of NASA for not getting permission to write a book. Dr. Bellows puts Tony through a test by making him babysit his prank-loving nephew. While babysitting, General Peterson drops by and asks him to babysit his quiet niece. Tony passes his test (without the help of Jeannie) when the General and Dr. Bellows find the nephew acting like a gentleman and the niece talking.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 09.01.1967 17. The Greatest Invention in the World | ||
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Roger convinces Tony to let Jeannie grant him a wish. Roger accidentally wishes that he hadn't dropped coffee on Tony when he accidentally does. The result is a fabric that cannot be burned, stained, or cut. Dr. Bellows witnesses the impossible destruction of the fabric and attempts to find out how Tony had concocted this great invention.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 16.01.1967 18. My Master, the Spy | ||
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Jeannie blinks herself,and Tony to Paris for breakfast.Tony had informed her that he is suppose to be in General Peterson's office now.So,Jeannie blinks a duplicate Tony into General Peterson's Office.While Tony,and Jeannie are enjoying a delious breakfast of cheese souffley,a French General,and his assistant recognize Tony,and wonder why they were not informed of his coming to Paris.The General calls his good friend,Dr.Bellows to inquire why.Dr.Bellows tells the General that Major. Nelson is not in Paris,because he at that moment looking right at him.The General says the same thing.Suspicious,Dr.Bellows ask the General to take a picture of the Man he sees,and telephoto a copy to him.Why,he ask?Because obviously one of us is looking at an imposter.The General takes the picture of Tony.Jeannie notices the stern-faced man taking pictures,and becomes uncomfortable.She blinks herself,and Tony back home.Sometime later Dr.Bellows receives the photo,and not sure if it's Major.Nelson,or his do
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 23.01.1967 19. You Can't Arrest Me, I Don't Have a Driver's License | ||
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Jeannie drives off in Tony's car without permission. Going up a one-way street in the wrong direction, she is stopped by Patrolman Anderson (Alan Hewitt).
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 30.01.1967 20. One of Our Bottles is Missing | ||
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While Dr. Bellows and his wife, Amanda, make an unanounced visit at Tony's home, Amanda spots Jeannie's bottle and is taken by its pure beauty. She insists that she must have the bottle ... or at least a reasonable facsimilie. Jeannie, fearing her secret will be exposed as others handle the bottle, punishes Tony by making him sleep in a desk drawer while she sleeps in Tony's bed! Later, when the bottle is at the glass factory being copied, Jeannie hides inside her bottle. Dr. Bellows takes home the wrong bottle, and once Tony and Roger discover the mix-up, they go on a frantic search to retrieve Jeannie and the bottle at the Bellows' house. Even going so far as to break into the house while the owners are out for the evening. But the real problems begin when Dr. Bellows and Amanda come home early, while Tony and Roger are searching for the bottle. Roger is unable to offer an explanation, until he sees Tony ""asleep"" in an wingchair. Seems that Tony has recently acquired a ""sleepwalking
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 06.02.1967 21. My Poor Master, the Civilian | ||
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Tony is offered a job in the private sector, meaning that he would have to give up his dream of going to the moon. Roger becomes upset knowing that he will be losing his best friend and that he will be giving up on his dream. Jeannie and Roger both wonder what his life would be like if he were to get the job, so Jeannie conjures up a machine that will look into the future and look at his worst day on the job. What she sees is Tony in a laid back office practicing his putting with a couple of gorgeous secretaries. A furious Jeannie then plots with Roger to get Tony to change his mind by showing him a different version of his future showing him working in the basement of a rundown office building. However, this has the opposite effect as Tony decides to take the job. Jeannie and Roger then decide to try and get the other man who was offered the position to change his mind. Jeannie finds out that his wife didn't want to move because she was very attached to her house. Jeannie then
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 20.02.1967 22. There Goes the Best Genie I Ever Had | ||
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Tony begins to regret picking up Jeannie's bottle on the beach when he can't even make a simple date without her interfering. When he finds out that it's Haji's birthday, which means he can send her away forever, he decides that he's going to do it.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 27.02.1967 23. The Greatest Entertainer in the World | ||
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Tony wants a famous star to be at a NASA event. He asks Sammy Davis Jr. but he already has other plans. Jeannie decides to step in and blinks herself into Sammy Davis Jr.'s hotel room. The star is stunned to see a harem girl in his room and when Jeannie blinks away, he is even more confused thinking that he has been working too hard and needs a vacation. Everything works out in the end when Sammy Davis Jr. performs at two places at once with Jeannie's magic.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 06.03.1967 24. The Incredible Shrinking Master | ||
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Jeannie has a nightmare that Tony will be attacked by a cat (!), which doesn't sound too frightening except that, as a genie, all of her dreams are supposed to come true. So when Tony is accidentally shrunk down to the size of a mouse (by Jeannie's own magic, but for a completely different reason)- and a house cat inadvertently sneaks into the house- one can see the game of cat-and-mouse about to begin.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 13.03.1967 25. My Master, the Pirate | ||
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when tony accidentally wishes he could meet a famous pirate jeannie sends him back in time to the ship and to make matters worse a woman being held captive on the ship is an ancestor of tony so he must save her or cease to exist
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 20.03.1967 26. A Secretary Is Not a Toy | ||
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Jeannie becomes General Peterson's secretary in hopes of convincing him to help get Tony promoted. However, complications arise when Jeannie is suspected of being a spy due to her not passing a security check.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 27.03.1967 27. There Goes the Bride | ||
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Jeannie is so determined to marry Tony,that she decides to use an ancient love spell,which consist of obtaining three personal items from the love; a lock of hair,a piece of fingernail,and a piece of clothing.She then recites the incantation,filling in her name,and the name of the love.Haji,the Master of all of the Genies finds out,and is very displeased.He warns Jeannie to remove the spell,but she refuses,and as a result her powers goes haywire.Tony trips,and falls;he breaks his wrist,and ankle,and developes acute appendicitice.When Jeannie realises that it is because of the spell that she put Tony under that she is losing her power.To cure Tony of his injuries,she must reverse the spell.She does,and though Tony is healed Jeannie still tries to marry him with preacher,but Tony will have none of it now that he is no longer under any spell.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 03.04.1967 28. My Master, Napoleon's Buddy | ||
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Tony wishes to be able to talk to Napoleon for just an hour, so Jeannie sends them back in time. But Napoleon thinks that Tony is a spy and he plans to kill him. Tony has to figure out how to convince them that he isn't a spy.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 10.04.1967 29. The Birds and the Bees Bit | ||
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Having found out that once a Jeannie is married she will lose all of her powers,Tony proposes marriage to Jeannie,and she willingly accepts.Tony informs Roger,but he has reservations about the marriage.He tells Jeannie about his feelings,that the marriage would be a disaster,however Jeannie thinks her marriage to Tony will be a happy one.To find out for sure,Jeannie contacts Haji,the master of all the Genies.He appears,and is introduced to Roger.Jeannie wants Haji to shows her,and Roger(in his crystal ball)want the future of her married life with her Master will be.Though he is not happy with Jeannie wanting to marry Tony,he reluctantly shows her.In the few years of her marriage to Tony the is an exemprary one.Even without her powers,Jeannie is a model wife,Cooking,Sewing,making her own clothes,and even planning on building another room to the house.Tony himself is promoted to a Colonel.After the fantasy sequence ends,Roger admits that he was wrong,and that this would the greatest thin
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 17.04.1967 30. My Master, the Swinging Bachelor | ||
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Jeannie makes a cake for Tony and his dinner guests that makes them act like children again.
Seen it: Yes 30 Min. 24.04.1967 31. The Mod Party | ||
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Jeannie and Tony get invited to Roger's ""Mod"" Party only to discover that Tony and Roger have a special NASA meeting that night instead. Roger and Tony then fool Dr. Bellows and give him a phony excuse so that they can go ahead as planned and have the party. Things dont turn out as planned though when Dr. Bellows and his wife make a surprise appearance at Roger's residence.